Friday, March 20, 2009


So usually, when i hear about a cyclist who was hit by a car i think wow, that sucks, because it does. After the initial sorrow i feel for the poor guy/gal i wonder why they got hit. Who's fault was it? Although i blame the driver of the car outright I often find myself wondering if maybe the cyclist was in the wrong place. Big Toph has taught me well that a lot of peeps on the road don't know how to ride with cars and sometimes i should have an open mind. For the most part, though, it really is the cars fault, and in this story there is no doubt!

Today, i am blown away at how unbelievable some people can be. I mean, a hit-and-run is bad but a hit-get out-check on the critically hurt cyclist-turn around-get back into car-and then run is sick on an entirely new level. What a sad thing.

Be safe fellow rollers

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