Thursday, February 26, 2009

Auckland New Zealand

A new fixie.

bought it here in NZ for $500 from this cool place T. White's Bicycles.
It's a GT Gutterball.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Recently Employed

I've been traveling and not riding my bike nearly as much as I love to. I decided that it had to end. So I'm back in the big city at another bike job that will allow me to geek out over all of the cool cycling related things I get the chance to. I'm sort of a technical writer/question answerer at I write that stuff. I also shoot tutorial videos that are being edited as we speak. Bikewagon is sort of an all around bike store. We are trying to reach a broader, cooler audience. That is where you come in. I am dying for some good tips and suggestions on what to write about and video about for our next round of bike nerdery. Thanks people.

okay, I didn't write the "inversion table" or "bike parts glossary". That was someone else.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tour de California

The Tour rode right past the end of my street yesterday. It was 45 degrees and raining hard, so they were all covered up and it was hard to pick anyone out of the crowd. My friend Paul took some pictures, but I still can't make anyone out. Can you?

These pictures are taken right down the street from my place, at the tollbooth plaza by the GGB. The tour started in Sausalito yesterday, this is right after they came across the bridge. I was surprised by how small the peloton was. Needless to say I was a little disappointed by my first Tour experience. Next year I'm going to try to get to one of the big climbs so they'll be going slower and hopefully more spread out.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

there are many blogs out there dedicated to bikes in dirrect competition with ours. but really since we aren't bike snobs they are from here on out brothers in arms. so in this spirit i want to show off a couple really cool sites. enjoy.